Return to Bee Creek

If you left your house unattended for 18 months what would you expect to find inside? We didn't know what to expect either but were pleasantly surprised that no destructive animals had moved in while we were away. The only real casualty was our refrigerator. Ants built a nest in the circuit board and when we plugged it in the board fried. I tell you, it is challenging finding a fridge repair man in Bee Creek. Ultimately, I was able to fix it myself by ordering a new circuit board online. I hooked it up and by some miricle it worked. It was a great feeling when that light turned on again.

We praise the Lord for keeping our house and possessions safe while we were away.

Thank you, Lord, for keeping that which we entrusted to you so many months ago and for bringing us back to the place of your calling.

Weston and Lisa have been serving in Northeast Thailand for the past eight years among the Isaan people. They are currently leading a team engaged in church planting in the rural countryside.