Lisa's family in 2018.
Lisa's family in 2018. (left to right: Judy, Lisa, Jing, Li Yan and Susan)

Lisa's Father Called Home

Lisa's father, Jing Zhao, passed away on April 16, 2023 at the age of 78. He died peacefully and naturally under the care of hospice and the family. The funeral was held on the 19th of April at Dalcamo Funeral Home in Chicago. He was laid to rest at Mount Auburn Cemetery in Stickney, Illinois. Jing leaves behind his wife, Li Yan, as well as Lisa and her two older sisters, Susan and Judy, their husbands, Lai and Andrew, and Judy's two children, Tiffany and Fiona. We covet your continued prayers for Lisa and her whole family as they mourn Jing's departure.

Lisa and I have not returned to the U.S. and at this stage we have no plans of leaving Thailand but we were able to be present at the funeral virtually.

Jing Finally Trusts in Jesus

While we are greatly saddened by Jing's death, we have been overjoyed by the fact that he made a profession of faith and was baptized on March 28th, less than a month before he died. Reverend Andrew Cho administered baptism along with Minister Justin Poon, Sunny Lee and Dr. Daniel Meng.

Jing receiving baptism
Jing receiving baptism.

At eighteen years old, Lisa was the first in her family to trust in Christ and until this year has been the only member of her family to be baptized. At her invitation Jing did spend some time attending Sunday School at Chinese Christian Union Church South (Lisa's church) in Chicago in 2006. During this season Dr. Dominic Ho and Mavis Law spent time conversing with him but Jing never put that final trust in Christ and eventually stopped attending.

Nevertheless, in the decades that followed, the leaders and members of CCUC-S persisted in prayer, visitation, and faithful witness to Jing and Li Yan. In particular, the Caring Department demonstrated incredible perseverance by visiting Lisa's parents in their home a few times each year, bringing food and gifts, and sharing the Good News of Jesus each time. As we look back over these long years, Lisa and I think it is so important that we take this opportunity to extend our gratitude to CCUC-S for these acts of love and self-sacrifice done over the span of so many years. What you did for Jing and Li Yan you did for Jesus and your labor was not in vain! Jing has finally entered the presence of Jesus in part because of your willingness to be an extension of His grace, love and truth. Thank you, truly.

Grieving from Afar

Despite the joy of seeing her dad baptized, not being able to return home for the funeral has been very hard for Lisa but she has felt peace from God about remaining on the field. In lieu of the funeral and time with her family, she has been celebrating the fact that God provided her with the opportunity to care for dad in our own (rental) house in Chicago in 2021 during the Covid pandemic. While that was a very difficult season in many ways, it nevertheless is full of fond memories with Jing which we will carry with us for the rest of our lives.

These memories have been immeasurably sweetened, even at the last minute, by the fact that Jing's bond has been paid by the blood of our sweet Savior, and so, we anticipate with great hope that the time spent with him will not be our last.

Until then, we will miss you, Dad.

Jing 77th birthday
Jing's 77th birthday party at our house in Chicago.
Jing resting
Jing resting in his room in our house in Chicago in 2021.

Weston and Lisa have been serving in Northeast Thailand for the past eight years among the Isaan people. They are currently leading a team engaged in church planting in the rural countryside.

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