Returning to Thailand

We are so happy to inform you that we are returning to Thailand on the 23rd of August. The Lord has provided visas and we have tickets in hand. Everything is set for our departure.

We are SO excited to be finally returning to our home and ministry in Bee Creek!! The past 18 months has been a very challenging season of serving and waiting and, quite frankly, it feels so good that we are finally closing this chapter.

Even so, we are mindful of God's grace to teach us so many important lessons as we cared for Lisa's father, led the team remotely during the Covid lock-downs and made ourselves as productive as possible from the US.

As we pack our bags and say our goodbyes I've noticed that things feel quite different than previous terms of service and I think it is indicative of the changes that have taken place in us. I sense a more disciplined heart: we crave more intimate time with the Lord than some of the distractions we can been prone to. There is a greater sense of resolve in completing our mission: God's kingdom being established among the Isaan people and is worth any cost to ourselves.

Some of these are areas of heart change I have been praying about for years. How merciful our Father is to give us the desires of hearts in becoming more like Him (Heb.12:10). It reminds me again that God's work of transformation comes often through the especially hard seasons (Jam.1:2-4).

As the field looms large ahead, there are a couple of changes that I want to tell you about as we return.

Lisa Becoming Main Visa Holder

First, a major departure from previous terms is that Lisa will now be the NGO volunteer and main visa holder. As you know, we are given a visa to Thailand in exchange for providing some kind of service to the community in which we reside. For the past few months Lisa and a Thai ministry partner have been making plans for a new ministry. Upon arrival Lisa will have 90 days to get the project off the ground and report back to the government so that we can be issued a 1 year visa. Please be praying for Lisa as she assumes this large responsibility.

Strategy Development

With the visa responsibility off my shoulders I can devote more time to further developing and implementing our team's long-term church planting strategy. This began in 2020 when our team spent approximately 6 months hammering it out together. Our church planting strategy will have three phases: evangelism leading to baptism, discipleship leading to church formation and leadership training leading to appointment of new elders. All three of these phases are critical to the establishment of a new, healthy, independent gospel community. What now remains is to further develop our methodology and timeline for this strategy to become a reality. This is the how and when of the church planting effort. I will be taking on this challenge when we arrive.

These are exciting times, friends. Thank you so much for your continued prayer and support and for continuing to stand behind us as we strive toward God's glory in Isaan.

We will see you on the flip side!

Weston and Lisa have been serving in Northeast Thailand for the past eight years among the Isaan people. They are currently leading a team engaged in church planting in the rural countryside.

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