Lisa's Father Returning Home
On the 8th of January Lisa's father, Jing, returned home to live with Mom. It is a big answer to prayer that his health has improved enough to return home.
One Year Care-Giving Journey
When we returned to Chicago in February 2021 we weren't sure how long we would be here. We knew only that Lisa's Mom desperately needed a break and that Dad needed more thorough care. There were a lot of unknowns in his situation, most of which required an in-depth assessment of Jing's health to resolve.
Over the past twelve months, Lisa, with the help of her sisters, has spent enormous amounts of time and energy caring for her Dad, observing his condition, testing new diet ideas, getting health assessments from doctors, evaluating and eliminating some unnecessary medications and discussing with Lisa’s mom the help she would need if Dad moves back home. While there has been no dramatic change in Jing's condition, there has been a gradual improvement and finally the discovery and treatment of a persistent infection. In December, it became clear that there was nothing remaining for us to 'figure out' and, because Jing was feeling better overall, the burden of care had been reduced enough for him to move back home. We praise God for this!
Dad and Mom are settled at home now but they still require help to live on their own. Finding caregivers is very challenging everywhere, but especially so in Chicago. This has been a big concern. But we have had no choice but to trust that only God can and will provide. He has never forsaken us! We have been absolutely amazed how God has provided able and willing people to step into this role at just the right time. Lisa has spent the last three weeks helping Mom and Dad transition and training the new caregivers to take over this role. Lisa's last day of responsibilities was Friday.
We do covet your continued prayers for Lisa, her parents and sisters as they walk through what has been a very trying time. Also please pray for Lisa's Mom who now bears a lot of the burden of care once again.
Return to the Field
With Dad settled at home we believe it is the right time to return to the field. We have requested clearance to return from our sponsoring church, sending base and field leadership and are hopeful we will receive this by mid-February. We plan to be back on the field in early Summer.
We have much to do before we can return. Here is a rough outline of our goals and travel plans:
- Feb-March -- Support raising | Phoenix, Los Angeles
- April-May -- Support raising, field term planning | Chicago
- June -- Visa applications, misc. travel | Chicago, Orlando
- July -- Return to Thailand
More details are forthcoming regarding our events and presentations at various locations. We look forward to the coming months, visiting and connecting with you in person before we return to the task appointed to us by God in Thailand.
Thank You for Your Support
As we close this chapter of our journey we want to pause and thank you: our friends, home churches, prayer warriors and supporters who have stuck with us through this long and difficult season. At times the frustration and weight of responsibility was unbearable. Without your prayers, encouragement and generosity we could not have made it financially, spiritually or emotionally to the point of being able to return to the field. Because of your prayers and generosity we have seen God provide everything we have needed and more. I know that Lisa's entire family is grateful to you for your sacrifice in 'holding the ropes' for us while we served her Dad. We thank God for you and ask that He will bless you for your faithfulness.
Lastly, all praise to the grace of our Savior!